Why is knowledge of research processes and the effective use of research results important for the AT MS degree student?

Tilak Ramaprakash
4 min readJun 7, 2022


Eastern philosophy has long stressed the importance of seeking knowledge. Western philosophers have also embraced intellectual curiosity as a foundation for scholarly inquiry. As AT student researchers and investigators, our aim is to focus on the discovery of new knowledge that will help in the betterment of society — in our case, the aviation and aerospace industry.

The research process itself is important for AT MS degree students because the gathering of necessary data is a key to achieving accurate results. A skewed research process, ranging anywhere from sloppy data collection methods to researcher bias, can produce inaccurate results thus negating the accuracy of the research project itself.

The research process must be systematic, and just as importantly, objective. These are keys to a researcher coming to accurate conclusions. For the AT MS student, knowledge of the research process is no different than that for any other scholarly researcher. It should be logical, ethical, and for those concerned, interesting.

The American Educational Research Association (AERA) nicely sums up, to “advance knowledge about education, to encourage scholarly inquiry related to education, and to promote the use of research to improve education and serve the public good.” In order to achieve this, a thorough knowledge and understanding of the research process is not only important, but necessary.

For the Aviation MS student, the process can sometimes be a challenge, as the aviation field itself is a dynamic industry with ever-changing regulations, technological advances, and even labor-related issues. Applying diligent research and evaluation methods can avoid setbacks and delays that could negate the efforts of the process.

It is also imperative that the researcher, whether AT MS degree student or other, remain objective in the process by acting only as an observer rather than participant.

By learning, and subsequently establishing proper research practices, one can then focus on the proper use of the research results. As new knowledge is created through research, results can have a tremendous impact on current and future practices in aviation. Aviation continues to evolve based on the work of scientists and researchers, rendering them an essential component of the entire educational process.

Research tends to focus on solving problems or issues. Current and future research is often based on research that has been conducted in the past, thus the importance of research results cannot be undermined. Researchers must often verify the validity of findings and conclusions of other research before using it as a foundation to initiate their own studies. As AT MS degree students, we want to establish our findings as being credible for scholars and students alike to accept without uncertainty and from which future researchers can establish their work.

Good research results provide information, which in turn can provide change. Thus, as the application of research results is also important, it may also be necessary to identify potential barriers to the implementation of these results and, when possible, suggest strategies to overcome them.

The AT MS student must be able to apply these results to the modern day scenarios and problems. Not having the understanding and knowledge of how to do so will again negate the efforts of the whole process.

Current aviation researchers, scientists, and investigators are paramount to the advancement of modern aviation. As we students join the ranks of those researchers, our attention to detail during the process is paramount to successful contribution.

As students with limited experience, it would be fair to deduce that our results may be scrutinized more than, say, experienced aviation researchers. Establishing professionalism and accuracy in the due process from the start will lay the foundation for habitual good habits in our future aviation research endeavors.

Effective use of the results would entail the successful explanation, and even solving, current aviation problems or issues: Did the results of the research answer the original questions that were posed when the research project was initiated?

An example of not using the results of the research effectively would be the incorrect implementation due to system barriers, human error or intervention, or any other expected or unexpected conflict. While reasons for this may or may not be of the norm, a good researcher will suggest strategies to overcome any of these obstacles to ensure that the results can be properly applied to the industry.

As Aviation Technology MS degree students, it is our responsibility to embrace the qualities of conducting sound, professional research. With a focus on addressing current problems or issues in the aviation industry, it is imperative that the reliable results derived from our research are applied to serve our industry in the best way possible.



Tilak Ramaprakash
Tilak Ramaprakash

Written by Tilak Ramaprakash

Tilak S. Ramaprakash — Experienced Pilot with Auditor Certifications

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